Robin Golf

Transforming concepts into a dynamic reality

Robin Golf
My Role
Creative Lead
Oct 2023

Transforming concepts into dynamic reality

My multifaceted role encompassed not only the meticulous creation of still and motion concepts but extended to the inception of comprehensive campaign ideation. Collaborating seamlessly Robin Golf, we created an assortment of targeted assets to reach their goals.

Designing Beyond Boardrooms

Putting Your Audience at the Center of Advertising Creativity for Optimal ROIs

Researching creatives that are currently working in social and also ensuring that said research aligns with the targeting for the Ad.

Putting together a thoughtful Creative Brief Concept Deck, that outlays the creative ideas, research/reasoning behind said ideas (if useful), headlines for targeting

archived portfolio link for full videos

My favourite of all the ads:

My Clients are Obsessed

Don't just take my word for it.

"A special thank you to [Rebecca] She is top notch if you anyone is looking for a freelance creative director!!

Amber | Eylon Digital Marketing, The Process

"Becca -  Mischievous Design is my creative soulmate. She is truly one of the most genius, creative, and innovative partners who I have enjoyed working with for over a decade. Her work is top notch, professional, and exemplary. She brings the enchantment that I've been searching for in my work."

Danielle | Special Gathering

“...I am blown away! This is fantastic and you did a superb job to really comprehend the edits...”


“The ideas are so unique and the production came together so well. I am seriously impressed!



Erin A.| Senior Creative Specialist

Want to quickly celebrate a win on the paid social side thanks to [Tim] and Rebecca We launched new video creative that Rebecca Built on 4/21. Since launch, compared to the prior period, we have been able to increase platform ROAS nearly 200%, from .6 to 1.72. The videos unlocked prospecting performance for us and re-targeting is also performing better as we are able to scale the TOF. With some ups and downs, in that time frame the business contribution dollars has scaled from ~$1.5k per week, to >$3k! Lets keep up the momentum. Thank you [Tim] and Rebecca

Sian R. | OpenStore

“... Thank you Rebecca for the amazing creatives!”

Daniel | OpenStore

“You did an impressive job with the layouts, capturing the brands, selecting representative products, and capturing the USPs. Thank you sooo much!

Tati |  OpenStore

“We’re all in AWE of your ads.”

“...everyone is so impressed with your work!.”

Brooke B. | DIVI

“Loving the work though you’re INCREDIBLE”

“THEY[the ads] LOOK GREAT”

Jill C. | DIVI

“We are loving your ads and they’re seriously performing better and better every week; so we are so thankful we found you!”

Lauren S. | DIVI