ICED Media x Conair
Goal: Re-cut and re-purpose footage for social media - specifically TikTok
Re-cut and re-purpose footage for social media - specifically TikTok
The footage provided was not shot for intention on social media; it's shot like a traditional commercial / infomercial advertisement. That being said it was quality footage, but a bit too stylized & fake for the authentic social media experience
How I Achieved Success
- Collaborating with Kelly at ICED Media, I thoughtfully created a deck of trending concepts to leverage for two separate but related products after spending some time doing some research and trendcasting
- Presenting about 10 concepts for each product; Kelly and I discussed.
- After discussing with the amazing team at ICED, we decided on which concepts to move forward with into production
- I got right into production, creating the beautiful & effectively refreshed ads for this legacy brand
Check out the teaser video above, and a few of my favs below
Stills Work Gallery
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